New Fantastic Journey of Bamboo, Technology and University
New Fantastic Journey of Bamboo, Technology and University
National Chung Cheng University
The project aims to pursue the goal of "Bamboo Instead of Plastic" by adopting their innovative technology on transforming the bamboo industry, by entering the Tsou field to revitalize the cultural space in the core concept of bamboo, and by entering the coastal farm to purify water with bamboo charcoal, etc.
Further, the team has cultivated talents through cross-border, cross-field cooperation, the team strives to make the advantages of bamboo shine again, to attain the Sustainable Development Goals of the green economy.其它特定主題影片
團隊在國內以專案導向學習方式,協助部落改善問題,而在印尼、越南偏鄉,則與當地大學共同運用專 ...
The project ‘Green Community Roots and Shoots Action Plan (GCR&SAP) - from the ...
This project assists aboriginal tribes to develop under-forest economy in Wutai in the ho ...
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