The Pathway from Community Forestry to Revitalization
The Pathway from Community Forestry to Revitalization
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
This project assists aboriginal tribes to develop under-forest economy in Wutai in the hope of connecting those tribesmen who live on the plain to their indigenous land. By making aboriginal youths appreciate the value of the resources of their homeland, the project aims to cultivate identification with tribal culture among the younger generation.
推廣綠色能源、推動根與芽行動教育、永續生態環境、食農教育、循環經濟、運用科技智慧,提供社區 ...
This project aims to improve gerontological nursing and address LOHAS issues, in the hop ...
台灣流浪犬貓過多不但造成社會問題,也影響其基本醫療權利、更出現虐待犬貓事件戕害其生存權。協 ...
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