Living in urban areas, it's usual for us to see the scene of busy traffic. There are many options for us to move from one place to other places, such as taxi and bus which can be seen everywhere. Therefore, "mobility" is simple for us whom live in the city. But, to those who live in rural areas, "mobility" is difficult due to several reasons such as locations, medical resources, daily supplies, etc. This plan is based on the previous " Underprivileged and rural transportation supporting system in central Taiwan ", which is a USR plan to promote university services to the mobile disadvantaged groups that are "elderly, people who have disabilities, people who live in rural area " in Central Taiwan. The next three years will be based on "University Companion‧ Local-Friendly" as the main concept to promote the "Silver Sharing Smart Finance Mobile Service Influence Circle", make Feng Chia University become a local influence center, deepening the social influence of the previous plan, and co-create the future vision of universities and rural communities. The social issues that this plan responds to can correspond to five goals in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): No Poverty (indicator 1), Good Health and Well-being (indicator 3), Quality Education (indicator 4), Decent Work and Economic Growth (indicator 8) and Sustainable Cities and Communities (indicator 11).
Starting from the 107 academic year, the project team opened the "Design for the Future Credit Course" at Feng Chia University, with a total of 8 courses: Social Detective Knowledge, Mobility on LOHAS( Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability), Trigger Future Mobility Technology, Regional Revitalization: Cultural Exploration, Regional Revitalization: Local Resources Investigation, Community Design, Big Fund Challenge and Sustainable social responsibility. The number of students taking courses during this period has now exceeded 500. From the initial exploration of the service target, to the analysis and understanding of the topic, with the speeches of relevant industry speakers, the students will experience the problem-solving situation and cultivate cross-disciplinary talents. The course will be divided into two axes of "three levels and three topics" for curriculum design and educational innovation. The three levels are divided into the "knowledge level", "application-level" and "implementation level"; the three topics are "Silver Elderly" (mobile transportation, social participation and community life for the elderly), and "creating life in rural areas" (Community economy and local creation in remote and native villages) and "resource sustainability" (business model and sustainability of solutions).
By problem-based "learning by doing" (problem-based learning, PBL) to enhance students' three core competencies of "the awareness of social problem," "innovative thinking," and "social practice", and promote teachers and students' local recognition. The development of partnerships between universities and communities have given new imagination to rural transportation that was difficult to solve in the past.