College Students Transformed into Engineers,Put Knowledge into Practice
College Students Transformed into Engineers,Put Knowledge into Practice
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Based on PBL(Project-based Learning), the Taiwan Tech team, Engineers in Action, assist the local community to practice disaster prevention, water cleaning, and aquaponics system. Further, the Taiwan Tech team cooperates with Indonesia and Vietnam's local schools, adopt their profession to design and improve drinking-water infrastructure. The outcome of the team not only fits the goal of SDGs, but also cultivate the students in professional skills and international coordination.
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將 於109年12月14日(星期一),於活動官網(網址:公布得獎名單
【輝葉】XE深層震動按摩槍 1名
雀巢多趣酷思膠囊咖啡機【Genio2】 1名
KINYO 藍牙5.0無線音箱 2名
7-11禮券200元 27名