Promoting a livable town life with slow city life
Promoting a livable town life with slow city life
Nanhua University
“Spread Effects of Slow City Lifestyle Building Better Community with Small-town Charm” is the goal of this project. With the involvement of stakeholders, the project aims to promote “Ecological agriculture”, and “Slow food and slow travel.” Thus, with the experiences of Cittaslow, the team would like to spread the spirit domestically and even spread to the rural communities of Thailand.
Animal homelessness has become a social issue in Taiwan. Street animals do not have access ...
推動策略規劃相輔相成的雙主軸,ㄧ:橫山 3 創服務設計中心、二:燕巢教育創夢系統。透過跨域課程和 ...
The project’s two main strategic axes: (1) Hengshan 3 Innovation (innovation, entre ...
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雀巢多趣酷思膠囊咖啡機【Genio2】 1名
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