The Beginning of Happiness
Nowadays, Taiwan has already entered the aged society. With the growth of the senior population, the needs of food, clothing, housing, transportation, education and entertainment in the community have also emerged one by one. How can senior people reach the goal of healthy aging and live with happiness and joy in the community? It has become a very important issue. Therefore, Tunghai University, with its solid achievements of humanity and social care, the full support of the board’s directors and the great leadership of President Mao-Jiun Wang, the University Social Responsibility (USR) Class C Project "Practice and Co-operation of Community Elderly Service Support Systems", which is executed by the chief host Vice-President Jia-Chung Chan has been led the project team to shape an " Opening Health Village" as the main vision. They successfully linked and integrated the inside and outside resources of the university, five multi-support systems (such as activity, meal service, health promotion, manpower, and operating system), and the College of Active Aging & Technology, encourage related teachers and students to get into the communities together to improve the overall well-being of the community seniors, make the environment friendlier, and then actually create 360 degrees of surrounding happiness for them!
Explore Problems from The Community Service Networks
There are 13,149 senior people over 65 years of age in Xitun District, Taichung City. The total number of people who have been served in the 11 currently community care centers is only 662. The coverage rate is 5.03%. In accordance with the approved version of long-term care 2.0, if we estimate the long-term care demand rate of the senior over 65 years of age by 12.7%, then the estimated long-term care demand number in Xitun District should be 1,678, and the long-term care demand gap in the whole district is as high as 1,016. Moreover, the demand gap between different neighborhoods has significant differences. We all know that the service energy of the community care service base mainly connects with its professional manpower, volunteer workers and space. However, the current number of volunteer workers in each community care center is generally insufficient. The Furay community, for example, its current service number of the senior is 60 in total. In the future, the service gap for their seniors will be as high as 221. Unfortunately, the number of volunteers of this care base is only 48. Furthermore, their age group is pretty high, it shows that 45.83% of them are over 65 years old. Therefore, if we do not try to cultivate more volunteer workers in the near future, the overall aging community care energy would not be further improved.
Link The Local Resources to Build the Elderly Service Support Systems
The Tunghai' s USR Sustained Progress Project is leaded by the Vice-President Jia-chung Chan, which is responsible for the implementation of the " Opening Health Village " as the main vision, its mission is to successfully link and integrate the inside and outside resources of the university, and build a high-quality healthy and sub-healthy Elderly service support systems and create a friendly aging environment for the seniors. Its ultimate primary goal is to construct a 5+1 multi-community Elderly service support systems, which consists of activity, meal service, health promotion, manpower, operating system and the College of Active Aging & Technology. By means of encouraging related teachers and students to get into the communities together to improve the overall well-being of the community seniors, make the environment friendlier, and create all aspects of surrounding happiness! Hopefully, this in turn can efficiently upsurge the possibility to aging in place and active aging for the seniors.
Tunghai University's USR Sustained Progress Project is a six-year implementation period project with special objectives for each stage: to explore community’s needs and problems and construct multi-support systems; to optimize and implement the generalized and customized multi-support systems in double-track way; to establish sustainable and extendable aging in place demonstration areas for seniors. Through the operation of the multi-support systems and the College, we will collaborate with partners such as the government, universities, hospitals, enterprises, non-profit organizations and the communities to achieve the six major benefits of aging in place together: "Increasing active life, increasing new options of eating for seniors, increasing autonomy and healthy life, and enhancing elderly services knowledge and abilities, improving administrative wisdom, and strengthening generational connection." and remove the six major obstacles to healthy aging in practice: "decreasing aging alone and isolation, decreasing greasy and salty cooking, decreasing the time to be looked after, reducing the monotony of activities, relieving the heavy loading of manpower, decreasing the age gap".
Collaborate with The Local and Go Forward the Path of Happiness
The three main communities which have deeply cultivated by Tunghai University currently own their different stories of happiness. "Tunghai Community": Tunghai University’s USR Project has united those on-campus teachers and students of Industrial Design Department and Social Work Department, with the assistance of Open Theater Group, to conceive together the construction of senior activity sphere, stimulate community’s creativity to discover community’s stories, create a friendly and unique space, and then make the community to be more cohesive! "Furay Community": Tunghai University has brought the seniors of the Furay Community into the campus to participate courses with students of The Hospitality Management Department, Social Work Department, and Sports Recreation and Health Management Degree Program. Through the mechanism of learning together, it did bring the constantly new knowledge to those seniors. By means of mutual assistance, they make progress one another, and finally contribute to the most memorable graduation ceremony. "Bafu Community": It was obviously that seniors come to the community because of faith. Therefore, they were always lack of interest in health promotion activities. However, after the integration of Intergenerational Smart Service Van and students in the community, it showed that those seniors began to be influenced and gradually change in many ways.
On the path to community happiness, we dedicated to consolidate the community's difficulties, lead in different but useful support systems into the community, make the transformation of activities, environment and the condition of seniors' health, and help the community seniors to be much happier. We do hope to promote not only in the aspect of the individual, but also the aspects of family and community, and then truly create a comprehensive happiness for community seniors!